This project links English 8 classrooms in the communities of Clinton, Lillooet, Ashcroft and Lytton at the secondary level. The teachers and students collaborate to combine their classrooms via team teaching through videoconferencing and online collaborative work. Collaboration lies at the core of the project and a community of learners has been created where both teachers and students can learn from each other. This has provided opportunities to broaden the learning community of our students and foster collaboration between geographically distant students and teachers. Through this project, students are provided with opportunities to extend their peer groups working collaboratively with students in different communities. Technology is used as a vehicle in this project to promote and facilitate connections among students and teachers enhancing digital literacy.
The learning is organized by core teachers who collaborate and plan with each other. Through the use of on-line literature circles and connected video conferencing lessons where teachers can lead lessons on subjects they are passionate about, the Connected Classrooms Project provides opportunities for students to experience different teaching strategies and offers a greater scope for individual choice. Through the team teaching and planning process, teachers also become learners in this project working together to build on their own skills as teachers.
The Teaching Team:
Brenna O’Connor, Kumsheen Secondary School (Lytton)
Jen Eddie, Lilooet Secondary School (Lilooet)
Karen Miller, David Stoddart School (Clinton)
Sara Drennan, Ashcroft Secondary School (Ashcroft)
The teachers and students collaborate at one place even they are located at far distances. It is a place where the knowledge is sharing with one another. Teachers are connected with classroom and discuss their lecturers to the students and create a collaborative environment.Video Conferencing Software technology is used to promote the connections among students and teachers.